
整理了一份非系统性的Ruby&Linux&git入门的思维导图,是根据Introduction to Software Engineering学科课程整理的,因为学科一部分是编程语言Ruby的学习,但更多是项目的实践,所以学习内容较杂乱,包括了最常见的linux和git操作。知识点简单易懂但并不全,只能作为Ruby这类教程相对较少的语言的快速复习,也供自己复习使用。同时因本人知识量有限,可能存在部分混淆或错误,请见谅。文章仅提供缩略图供参考,xmind源文件下载链接请至页尾获取。


Intro: Linux command line

When you start working in software development, you will frequently need to make changes to software or to test software that runs remotely. This often implies dealing with software running on remote Linux servers so you need to be proficient with Linux command line to be an effective software developer.

Unit 1: Introduction to Ruby

First steps with Ruby. In this unit, you will interact with Ruby using the interactive ruby shell IRB.

Unit 2: Input and Output

Learn how to run simple Ruby programs that read input from the user, and write output to the screen.
The exercise that asks you to display the age of a person in 2016 wants you to end your line of output with a dot, please take this into account: without it a test will not pass.

Unit 3: methods and conditionals

In this unit you will learn how to define your own methods, and how to use conditional statements (if-statements) in Ruby.

Unit 4: Loops and arrays

In this unit you will learn about different types of loops in Ruby, as well as arrays.

Unit 5: Ruby Gems

In this unit you will learn what Ruby Gems are, how to install them on the command line, and how to use bundler to handle Gem dependencies automatically.

Unit 6 - Git Part 1: Basic Git workflowUnit

This unit covers the basic workflow of Git repositories, e.g., adding files, changing files, deleting files, restoring files.
